Latest updates
Download the updated Deckman.AIS.dll
This ensures that all class B targets are displayed. Simply replace the file in the Deckman root directory.
Download the full version of Deckman v9 here
Download the full version of Deckman v8.3.1 here
- v8.x users can download and install the above version 8.3.1 free of charge
- Users of previous versions should contact their local dealer for an upgrade
- This version may be installed as a demonstration version by selecting the "Demo" option during installation. Instrument connection and routing with up-to-date GRIB files is restricted. C-Map demonstration charts are installed.
Additional documentation
j_varXX.d - Provides more detailed information about using the j_varsXX.d file.
Deckman world magnetic model
Update to the world magnetic model data file
Due to the changing location of the Earth’s magnetic North pole, a new world magnetic model has been released and it is advised that you install this.
Below are some polar tables for some popular classes of boats. Download the appropriate file then tell Deckman to use this file, as described in the Polars chapter of the manual.
Please note, we take no responsibility for the accuracy of any of the information contained in these files.
Waypoints files
Below are new waypoints files specifically for the UK and the Med. Instructions for their use.
Please note, we take no responsibility for the accuracy of any of the information contained in these files.
UK Waters and Channel - The Channel and Solent including new RORC buoys
The Med - Popular venues in the Med
Gribfiles Norwegian met - Information about Norwegian GRIBs and other weather information.